Emma Woods (Gardener)
Today is my second day in this manor.
The quarrel between Mr. Riley and Mr. Pierson is getting worse.
Perhaps I should go talk to Mr. Riley.
After all, he was the one that drew first blood
Hari ini adalah hari keduaku berada di manor ini.
Pertengkaran antara Tn. Riley dan Tn. Pierson semakin parah.
Mungkin Aku harus bicara kepada Tn. Riley.
Lagipula, dialah yang pertama kali memulainya.
Diary Reconstruction
Rekonstruksi Buku Harian
Emma Woods: Good day, Mr. Riley
Mr. Riley : Good day
Emma Woods: It may not be my place to say, but could you please stop saying those things to Mr. Pierson
Mr. Riley : I was just reacting as I normally would to dirt and stupidity. Would you be happy to see a cockrach?
Emma Woods: But.....
Mr. Riley : I know what you're worried about and I`m also tired. But listen, this isn't just my problem
Emma Woods: ...
Mr. Riley : He should be in the dining room now. He seems to like you. Talk to him to stay away from me!
Emma Woods: Hari yang indah, Tn. Riley
Tn. Riley : Hari yang indah juga
Emma Woods: Ini mungkin bukan hak ku untuk mengatakan ini, tapi bisakah Tn. berhenti mengatakan hal-hal seperti itu kepada Tn. Pierson
Tn. Riley : Aku hanya menangapi masalah ini secara normal . Akankah kau senang melihat seekor kecoa?
Emma Woods: Tapi...
Tn. Riley : Aku tau apa yang kau takutkan dan aku juga lelah. Tapi dengarkan, ini bukan hanya masalahku
Emma Woods: ...
Tn. Riley : Dia seharusnya berada di ruang makan sekarang. Dia sepertinya menyukaimu. Bicaralah kepada nya untuk menjauh dariku!
Emma Woods: Mr. Pierson, are you there? (Strange, Mr. Riley said he was in the dining room.)
Emily Dyer entered the dining room.....

Emily Dyer : Emily Dyer, I'm a doctor.
Emma Woods: Doctor?. But...
Emily Dyer : I know, my outfit. It often causes a bit confusion. But I am a doctor. I mean, technically
Emma Woods:...
Emily Dyer : I'm sorry!. I want to walk around for a bit. Excuse me.
Emma Woods: Tn. Pierson, apakah kau disana? ( Aneh, Tn. Riley bilang dia ada di ruang makan.)
Emily Dyer masuk kedalam ruang makan.....
Emily Dyer : Permisi! apakah ada orang disana?
Emma Woods: Hai!, nama ku Emma Woods. Aku seorang tukang kebun.
Emily Dyer : Emily Dyer, Aku seoarang dokter.
Emma Woods: Dokter?. Tapi...
Emily Dyer : Aku tau, pakaianku. Pakaianku ini sering membuat sedikit kebingungan. Tapi Aku seorang dokter. Maksudku secara teknik
Emma Woods :...
Emily Dyer : Maaf!. Aku mau berkeliling sebentar. Permisi.
Kreacher Pierson : Goo-good morning Miss Woods!
Emma Woods : Where have you been?
Kreacher Pierson : I w-walked around f-for a while. Kr-Kreacher has i-i-invited you to th-the garden!
Emma Woods : I'm sorry, Mr. Pierson. I need to talk to you about Mr. Riley's proposition first.
Kreacher Pierson : Y-you are refusing Kreacher's invitation?!
Emma Woods : (He is getting quite creepy.), (Loudly) I don't want to go to the garden!!
Kreacher Pierson : !!!
Emily Dyer : Excuse me. Miss Woods, do you know where my room is?
Emma Woods : Ah.... I do!. Follow me!. I'm sorry, Mr. Pierson. Excuse me for my absence.
Kreacher Pierson : Se-selamat pagi Nn. Woods!
Emma Woods : Kemana saja Tn.?
Kreacher Pierson : Aku ber-berkeliling sebentar. Kreacher telah mengundangmu ke kebun!
Emma Woods : Maaf, Tn. Pierson. Aku ingin berbicara kepada Tn. tentang persoalan Tn. Riley dulu
Kreacher Pierson : K-kau menolak ajakan Kreacher?
Emma Woods : (Dia jadi cukup menakutkan.), (Dengan keras) Aku tak mau pergi ke taman!!
Kreacher Pierson : !!!
Emily Dyer : Permisi. Nn. Woods, apa kau tau dimana kamarku?
Emma Woods : Ah.... Aku tau!. Ikuti Aku!. Maaf, Tn. Piersion atas ketidakhadiranku.
Emma Woods : Kreacher Pierson. He looks gloomy, but he's one of the good guys.
Emily Dyer : Good? If I didn't show up, do you think he would still be "good?"
Emma Woods : Mr. Pierson wants to build an orphanage. He's a good guy.
Emily Dyer : He looks nothing like a "good guy.". Keep going, Miss Woods.
Emily Dyer : Siapa pria itu?
Emma Woods : Kreacher Pierson. Dia terlihat menyeramkan, tapi dia salah satu dari orang-orang baik
Emily Dyer : Baik? Jika Aku tidak muncul, apa kau pikir dia akan tetap "baik?"
Emma Woods : Tn. Pierson ingin membangun sebuah panti asuhan. Dia adalah pria baik.
Emily Dyer : Dia tidak terlihat seperti "orang baik.". Teruskan, Nn. Woods.
Emma Woods : Your room. The key is in the invitation letter.
Emily Dyer : Thank you for your help, Miss Woods.
Emily Dyer : When you pass by the dining room, perhaps you should check the statue in the dining room. Also, don't get too close to that "good guy."
Emma Woods : Be wary of Mr. Pierson? Why?
Emily Dyer : I think that he has some special "hobbies.", But of course, if it tickles your fancy, then disregard my word of warning.
Emma Woods : Kamarmu. Kuncinya ada di undangan.
Emily Dyer : Terima kasih untuk bantuanmu. Nn. Woods.
Emily Dyer : Saat kau melewati ruang makan, mungkin kau harus mengecek patung yang ada di ruang makan. Dan juga, jangan terlalu dekat dengan "orang baik" itu.
Emma Woods : hati-hati terhadap Tn. Pierson? Kenapa?
Emily Dyer : mungkin dia punya beberapa "hobi" sepesial. Tapi tentu saja, Jika ini menggangumu, Abaikan saja peringatanku.
I think my time is better devoted to resolving the issues at hand. Like those two bickering, for instance. Mr. Pierson just walked toward the garden. I should be able catch up to him if I hurry.
Ku pikir waktuku lebih baik untuk menyelesaikan masalah sendiri. seperti pertengkaran antara kedua orang itu, Tn. Pierson berjalan munuju taman. Aku seharusnya bisa menyusulnya jika aku bergegas.
In the Garden
Di taman
Emma Woods : Mr. Pierson? Are you there? (Could it be that angry and hiding in the bushes?)
Emma Woods is looking for Mr.Pierson in the bushes
Emma Woods : Could I have mistake? He didn't come to the garden!
Emma Woods : If I am unable to resolve this issue, then tonight--"sigh". The frequency of these arguments is starting to give me a headache.
Emma Woods : Can anyone solve this problem? Anyone at all.
Emma Woods : Tn. Pierson? Apa kau disana? ( Apa dia begitu marah dan bersembunyi di semak-semak?)
Emma Woods mencari Tn. Pierson di semak-semak
Emma Woods : Apa Aku melakukan kesalahan? Dia tidak datang ke taman!
Emma Woods : Jika Aku tidak bisa menyelesaikan masalah ini, lalu malam ini--"mendesah". Frekuensi dari argumen-argumen itu mulai membuatku sakit kepala.
Emma Woods : Adakah yang bisa menyelesaikan masalah ini? Siapa saja.
Scarecrow : Hey, over here...
Emma Woods : I've seen you before. You-you can speak?
Scarecrow : Call me Skaer Klau. Tell me, my dear... What's troubling you?
Emma Woods : It's no use.
Scarecrow : Why not tell me?, maybe I can help.
Emma Woods : Well, is there anyway you can stop Mr. Riley from seeing Mr. Pierson?
Scarecrow : Of course, my dear. Your wish is my command.
Scarecrow : Hei, sebelah sini...
Emma Woods : Aku pernah melihatmu sebelumnya. kau-kau bisa bicara?
Scarecrow : Pangil aku Skaer Klau. Katakan padaku, sayangku... apa yang menjadi masalahmu?
Emma Woods : Ini bukan hal penting
Scarecrow : Kenapa tidak kau katakan?, mungkin Aku bisa bantu.
Emma Woods : Nah, apakah ada cara kau bisa menghentikan Tn. Riley karena mencurigai Tn. Pierson?
Scarecrow : Tentu saja, sayangku. Permintaan mu adalah perintah untukku.
That couldn't have been real.
The conversation just now must have hallucination
I need to have a good sleep.
If they continue arguing like this tonight.
I will go to the garden tomorrow and burn it.
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