Freddy Riley
I developed some blisters on the palm of my left hand three days ago
they burst two days ago
and turned into ulcers yesterday
today, they became 'clues'.
Diary Reconstruction
Freddy Riley:
"Good day, Miss Woods!"
Emma Woods:
"Good day!"
Emma Woods:
"Is there anything else?"
Emily Dyer:
"The weather is great. I imagine you will go wander around the garden."
Freddy Riley:
"Are you here on vacation? Making friends with the others won't increase your chance of winning."
Emily Dyer:
"But we didn't have any other choice, so we accepted it. At least this way you'll have an easier time."
Freddy Riley:
/The card is missing.../
/The nurses' roooom is at the end of the corridor. Perhaps I'll get a chance to take a look./
"Hold on, is that a blueberry pie on the table?"
"I've never seen one before..."
Emma Woods:
"No... no, that's not it!"
"It's not blueberry, it's belladonna."
Kreacher Pierson:
"What is that?"
Emily Dyer:
"Belladonna leaves exude an oily liquid and if it comes into contact with your skin it will cause an allergic reaction."
Kreacher Pierson:
"Everyone sh-show your hands!"

Emma Woods:
"Mr. Riley?"

Emily Dyer:
"The blisters have turned into ulcers. Even if the marks on his hand were from belladonnas, they would be from at least two days ago."
"Does the fruit from belladonnas last two days in the summer?"
Emma Woods:
"Could it be... that isn't the lawyer?"
Kreacher Pierson:
"Th-this is what that dabbling n-nurse said! C-c-can he be trusted?"
Freddy Riley:
"Miss Gardener, you of all people should know what kind of plant I've touched, no?"
Emma Woods:
"What are you refering to?"
Freddy Riley:
"Three days ago, in the garden."
"You told me "If you don't know what type of plant it is, the it'd be wise not to touch it.""
Emma Woods:
"Ripe belladonna fruit rots quickly. I think the lawyer is innocent."
I don't know whether it's lucky or not
that guy didn't finish the pie
and that no one suspected me
but...who made the pie?
Or could it be that the food supplied here
is hiding something we don't quite undestand.
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